Thursday, June 11, 2009

Of Lists... old and new...

I have always wondered how people multi-task... I seem to do only one thing... Make ' things to do' lists!

There are so many things to do in a day, so much to do over a lifetime, it seemed a good idea get thing organised by making a list,! Yet,most of my life seems to be spent coming up with new things to do,making grandiose 'plans of action' for getting them done and then adding them onto the already long list of 'things to do'.

Every day starts with the ritual of making a nice new list,new priorities in place, and ends with re prioritising and rethinking of existing plans, and coming up with new things to do.Hardly anything ever gets labelled 'DONE'!

The list never shortens.. it only gets longer and longer each new day!

There have been so many times when ideas have died a painful death, simply because I haven't had the time and the focus to carry them forward.I was too busy coming up with other ideas,making other newer,grander plans of action!That hurts like hell....

This blog is a way of figuring out how I could get to making at least one idea count.It is an attempt at using the age old method of putting thought to paper(the world wide web in this case),so I could come up with a brilliant plan that would help me cross a few items off my ever expanding list of ' things to do'!!

I haven't had any luck!

But I've found a way of making a list that I could cross thing off,and easily at that!!

I'll just start writing a 'things not to do' list!!!

I'll at least be confident of crossing out quite a few things of that list!!I always do things I shouldn't be.... and even if I don't cross things off this list... I'll still be a winner,'coz then, I'll finally be crossing off something from my 'things to do' list!!!

What an idea,madamjee!!!!

I'll get going then... I've got a real long list to make!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Poem..

I took up my pen
to write a poem,
But on what??
It was a big problem.

Shall I write on nature.
with its greens and blues...?
It was a topic that was too common.

How about the world today?
But, Its something thats talked about
Almost everyday!

I'll write about my motherland..
I thought.
Making a decision;
But, oh! what do I write about?
It is in a state
of political confusion!.

I'll write of war and pain
I concluded,
Complete with blood and gore..
But, I found that the topic was
not to my liking after all!!.

How about the subjects
I learn about?
to tell you the truth..
there was nothing in them
I could write a poetry on!

And then it hit me,
like a ton of bricks,
to pen the confusion I was in!!

I dedicate this small attempt,
at a work of art,
To all those poets who wanted to write
But found nothing to write about!!!

These were some lines I had penned when I was 14!
Doesnt seem like my state of confusion has improved one wee bit!!
A lot of things seem so apt even today... the war part... theone about political confusion....
Maybe..just maybe we are in the matrix after all!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bell School.

This is a sketch of the very first building I had designed on my very own.

Its a school in Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, in collaboration with a senior and a brother- Anup Anna.

A small school where we had tried out simple ways and means to make the building more energy efficient. This sketch shows how we had let the walls fold in and out... increasing the surface area and reducing the heat gain.

An initial sketch of the school block .
The final 3d after some revisions.

My Postit Board

What would be my first post be .... I was undecided.... I hemmed and hawed..I seed I sawed...... What could I write that would set the tone for the rest of my blog.....

The topic of my first post I thought , would create a circle and anything else that I would later post would have to relate to the self same circle.It would either draw off tangentially from that circle or fall within it. So, I wanted to write something that would help me define a line. That way I would have numerous more points to where I could define the centres of my circles. I was proud of my ateral lthinking capabilities!

That's when I realised that all along in life we keep defining our own centres, our circles and lines. We set our limits and then feel hemmed in within all those boundaries and work hard to break them.But in reality....they dont exist. We have brought them into existence.

It seems that everything new is ground breaking, it creates new paths... new avenues....
But...... I question...whose ground and whose path.... Why should there be a ground at all...and why a path....Why cannot one flit from one flower to the next..... with only passion and interest creating a pattern.... We say we have to live life on our own terms. But why should there be any terms at all???

My blog I decide will be like a gigantic post it board... Full of random thoughts and ideas..... each either relating to the other...or totally independent... Post its in the myriad colours of thoughts ....... colours of success and failure, pride and shame....white grey, green, purple and many many more........ Colours which would reflect the multicoloured canvas we call life......

And the fun part is... that all of you reading this blog..could add your random bits of colour.... and help me make my post it board....a riot of colour... a work of Art.....

Here's to a colourful blog!!!! :)