Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Onwards Ahoy!!!!

  I have always drawn inspiration from the lines Ive posted below.

  Whenever I was faced with challenges,small and big, these words have given me the strength to go on.Today,I am faced with the biggest challenge of my life.There is not just a tempest in my tea cup...there is a full fledged hurricane, and it has broken my tea cup into the tiniest of shards.I am looking at long and arduous journey ahead frought with challenges and responsibilities. I only hope, I shall get through this, a stronger and better person. That I can stand tall and smile in the face of adversity.

  Before one sets out on a war, there is a war cry!! 'If' is mine........
It is my anthem and my pledge, that I will take every day, every minute and every second and fill it with as much as I truly can.That I will not let the darkness that swirls around me dim the light that burns in my heart.
That I will celebrate every second that has been given to me, and use every resource at my disposal, to do the best I can and be the best I can.

  Life, throw at me your worst..... Im ready for you!!!Onwards!! Ahoy!!!


  1. Oh I would add another one you love - The psalm of Life :)

  2. Hi, I love 'If' too! I remember memorising it in school. Here is another fav.

    One Day at a Time

    Whatever the goal we're pursuing,
    no matter how rugged the climb,
    we're certain to get there
    by trying our best,
    and taking One Day At A Time.

    "Forever" is hard to imagine,
    "the future" may seem far away-
    but every new dawn
    brings a wonderful chance
    to do what we can on that day.

    by - Emily Matthews

  3. It is a beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing it ....
